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Sunday, 21 November 2021, Hour 18:00
Main Hall

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Conductor: Adrian Morar
Artistic Direction: Matteo Mazzoni (guest)
Assistance artistic direction: Alina Simona Nistor
Chorus conductor: Corneliu Felecan
Stage and backstage direction:Cristina Albu

Adina: Lucia Bulucz
Nemorino: Eusebiu Huțan
Belcore: Sebastian Balaj (debut)
Dr. Dulcamara: Cristian Hodrea
Giannetta: Oana Trîmbițaș
Public notary: Alin Barna

The Orchestra and the Chorus of the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca




show category: opera

Dear spectators,

According to the decision of National Committee for Emergency Situations, all the perfomances are allowed only in accordance with the legal regulations in force that is, the following conditions:

  • public participation is allowed up to 30% of the perfomance hall capacity
  • every spectator has to present the official QR Code of their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) and prove that they have been fully vaccinated
  • every spectator has to present the proof that he is between 15 and 180 days after the confirmation of contacting the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Everyone participating the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca events, has to present their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) through the official digital certificate approved by the European Union, according to the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 68/2021 on the adoption of measures for the implementation of the European framework for the issuance verification and acceptance of the digital certificate COVID-19 of the European Union.

Be aware that every official certificate has to be accompanied by an identity document.

Thank you for your understading!

A production presented in collaboration with Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen

Opera in two acts on a libretto by Felice Romani, based on Eugène Scribe’s Le philtre

Already famous to the public of Milano due to his previous work Anna Bolena, Gaetano Donizetti composed L’elisir d’amore with his typical speed and enthusiasm, raising the curtain of a comical dramatic masterpiece, both innocent and profound. The homourous side of the story rests in the general attitude of Nemorino – an irrecoverable lover who is strongly convinced that the potion (in fact, a simple Bordeaux wine) traded by Dulcamara, a charlatan, will bring him the love of the fancy Adina, the one his heart wants with fervor.

The depth of the opera rests, on the other side, in the sacrifice that Nemorino is willing to make in order to obtain the necessary amount of money for buying a second elixir bottle. He is determined to enroll for good. Is this sacrifice the love proof that prevents Adina from marying her ideal candidate – Sergent Belcore.

Although, apparently, the happy end of this love-story can be associated with the miraculous L’elisir d’amore, the critical factor in bringing these two young people together consists in their own maturing process, which has been successful!

The performance has one break and it ends around 8.40 p.m.
Recommended Age: 5+

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