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Gaetano Donizetti
Friday, 10 March 2023, Hour 18:30
Main Hall

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Conductor: David Crescenzi
Artistic Direction and Scenography: Marius Vlad Budoiu

Don Pasquale: Petre Burcă
Doctor Malatesta: Sebastian Balaj (debut)
Ernesto: Paul Lungu (debut; guest)
Norina: Oana Maria Trîmbițaș
The Notary: Florin Sâmpelean 

Two Bandits: Răzvan Timiș, Teodor Malanca
Two officers: Alin Barna, Andreas Szilagyi
The Guitarist: Babțan-Varga Flórián (guest)


show category: opera

Inspired by the unmistakable Donizettian charm, the first lyric premiere of this year, gives us a captivating, spicy and colorful show. DON PASQUALE – other than you have ever seen or imagined – is boldly reinterpreted for this new production, which takes him to the contemporary Wild West. The wealthy, middle-aged bachelor eager for love – as he had been portrayed in the masterpiece of G. Donizetti – raised laughter and applause from the evening of his absolute premiere on January 3, 1843, at the Italian Theater in Paris, representing the climax of the 19th-century opera. Now he crosses the space and imaginary borders, in a story with mobsters, cowboys and ferocious gunmen – they all know Don Pasquale, a famous banker and the head of a mafia Family.

Recommended age: 7+

The show has two breaks and ends around 9:15 pm.