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Saturday, 11 February 2023, Hour 19:00
Main Hall

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Conductor: Tiberiu Soare (guest)
Stage director: Mihaela Sandu
Scenography: Anca Pintilie
Coregraphy: Vasile Solomon, Dan Haja, Anca Opriș Popdan

Lead singers:

Ramona Zaharia (special guest) - mezzosoprano
Daniel Magdal (special guest) - tenor
Mihai Damian (guest)
- baritone


Lead ballet dancers:

Andreea Jura
Adelina Gribincea
Doina Florea
Dan Haja
Mircea Munteanu
Lucian Bacoiu
Liviu Har

Mihai Diaconescu (guest) - piano
Octavian Lup (guest) - cello

The Orchestra and the Ballet Ensemble of The Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca 

Hosted by Loredana Corchiș and Marius Constantinescu



show category: Online performance

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The Opera Ball, the most astonishing and symbolic event of our Opera House, granted by its 26 year tradition, addresses yet again a unique classical waltz invitation to all opera lovers. They will not only be spectators of the most awaited event of the year, but they will also play an active role by accepting our dance invitation to dance.

The entire performance hall will be festively decorated, highlighting the elegance and refinement of Vienna’s traditional Grand Balls. Our seating area in the main hall will be completely redesigned, being ready to unite the stage and its artists with the public. The spectators will thus be up close to the actual performance, rejoicing in the beauty of music and choreography.

The musical programme is touched by the same concept of elegance, including orchestral and solistic moments – waltzes, arias, ballads, as well as musical fragments with dancing character – interpreted by lyrical artists, accompanied by the Ballet Ensemble of The Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca.

This year’s edition has the great pleasure of welcoming three special guests: the distinguished mezzosoprano Ramona Zaharia and the tenor Daniel Magdal – will offer us unforgettable musical moments, next to the Orchestra of our Opera House, conducted by the invited conductor Tiberiu Soare. The lyrical and choreographic program will be complimented by the recognition of talent and impressive careers, acknowledged through a series of Excellence Awards offered during the festive evening, followed by a very pleasant cocktail break and its invitation to socialise.

Undoubtedly, the defining element of the event is the waltz, an enchanting challenge to dance next to the artists who have just recently sung on stage. As Johann Strauss used to affirm before his Viennese balls, the invitation Alles walzer! encourages the public to step on the unique dancing floor, which was the witness of long midnight waltzes, decades ago.


Co-Organizers: The Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca and Transilvania Leaders Foundation  


Supporters of Transilvania Leaders Foundation:
NTT DATA România, RMB Inter Auto, Transavia, OTC Group, Electrogrup, Banca Transilvania, Darian DRS, EnergoBit, Arobs Transilvania Software, Remarul 16 Februarie, Rematinvest.

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