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Monday, 01 November 2021, Hour 19:00
Biserica Reformată-Calvină Centrală

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Conductor: Vladimir Lungu
Artistic Director: Marius Vlad Budoiu
Stage and backstage Director: Alina Simona Nistor
Scenography: Hawash M Magdy

tenor Marius Vlad Budoiu
baritone Florin Estefan

The Orchestra of The Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca


show category: vocal-symphonic concert

Dear spectators,

According to the decision of National Committee for Emergency Situations, all the perfomances are allowed only in accordance with the legal regulations in force that is, the following conditions:

  • public participation is allowed up to 30% of the perfomance hall capacity
  • every spectator has to present the official QR Code of their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) and prove that they have been fully vaccinated
  • every spectator has to present the proof that he is between 15 and 180 days after the confirmation of contacting the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Everyone participating the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca events, has to present their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) through the official digital certificate approved by the European Union, according to the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 68/2021 on the adoption of measures for the implementation of the European framework for the issuance verification and acceptance of the digital certificate COVID-19 of the European Union.

Be aware that every official certificate has to be accompanied by an identity document.

Thank you for your understading!

Concert held at The Central Reformed-Calvinist Church

An artistic event with such a particullary music identity – EX ORIENTE LUX it is about the belief that spirituality represents the search of transcendent purpose, which can be expressed in relation with music, nature and art in general. More than that, 1st of November is the day that our thoughts goes to those that have passed away, a day that can be found and known in the Churches spirituality as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed.

Inviting you to an introspect meditation, the music was carefully choosen. You can anticipate the message and the atmosphere of the concert, through the context in which the first music work has been written. Originally entitled Salut d’Amour, Edward Elgar has realized that he will create something more intense and profound, choosing the sigh as an descriptive title – Sospiri. In Der Abschied (Farewell) from the cycle The Song from the Earth, Gustav Mahler underlines the suggestion of an essential message: ”The Earth will remain beautiful for an eternity, but man cannot live indefinitely”, message that will be presented at the auditorium by the tenor Marius Vlad Budoiu. Jean Sibelius was inspired, in turn, by the gloomy event of his life, writing the Death of Melisanda which the orchestra will perform under the guidance of the conductor Vladimir Lungu. As for Modest Mussorgsky, the compositor often brings the situation of a man face to face with his own destiny, who often knows the most tragic situations. Thereby, he elaborates four musical paintings in which he captures the multiple facets of death, called The Songs and Dances of Death, which will be brought to life by baritone Florin Estefan.

Thereby, we invite you to discover a place of emotions and light, in the sanctuary of The Central Reformed-Calvinist Church, in an evening with as deep a meaning as possible.

The perfomance doesn’t have any break and it ends approximately at 10:30pm