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Together for Christmas
Friday, 17 December 2021, Hour 18:30
Main Hall

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Musical conducting: Ovidiu Lup
Art director: Mihaela Sandu
Scenography: Magdy Hawash
Stage and backstage direction: Alina-Simona Nistor

Piano: Ovidiu Lup

Tenor Eusebiu Huţan
Tenor Cristian Mogoşan

Baritone Florin Estefan
Baritone Cristian Hodrea


show category: vocal-instrumental concert

Dear spectators,

According to the decision of National Committee for Emergency Situations, all the perfomances are allowed only in accordance with the legal regulations in force that is, the following conditions:

  • public participation is allowed up to 30% of the perfomance hall capacity
  • every spectator has to present the official QR Code of their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) and prove that they have been fully vaccinated
  • every spectator has to present the proof that he is between 15 and 180 days after the confirmation of contacting the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Everyone participating the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca events, has to present their SARS-CoV-2 certificate (digital or on paper) through the official digital certificate approved by the European Union, according to the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 68/2021 on the adoption of measures for the implementation of the European framework for the issuance verification and acceptance of the digital certificate COVID-19 of the European Union.

Be aware that every official certificate has to be accompanied by an identity document.

All of the above doesn’t apply to children below 12 years old.

Thank you for your understading!

The Christmas magic is knocking again at our doors, and because we couldn’t fully experience its majestic feeling without the well known specific songs, our artists are bringing back to life in front of the audience the most beautiful and representative Christmas Carols, both Romanian and International. If last year we were wishing to you Merry Christmas! only on the virtual stage, celebrating At home for Christmas, this time we can happily say and invite you in the same time to celebrate some special moments, Together for Christmas.

Choosing an international repertory and combining in the same time the traditional Romanian Christmas Carols with the International ones we can count among the songs the followings: Ce-ați văzut păstori, O ce veste minunată, El Nacimiento, Have yourself a merry little Christmas, La Viflaem colo-n jos, White Christmas, O Holy Night. The Christmas atmosphere will be offered by the tenors Eusebiu Huțan and Cristian Mogoșan, the baritones Florin Estefan and Cristian Hodrea, accompanied by instrumental artists unde the musical guidance offered by Ovidiu Lup.

We are inviting you to experience with us the Christmas atmosphere at the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca, hoping that this holiday full of joy and enthusiasm will bring you happiness while we will try to contribute with what we know best to do – art through music!

Recommended age: 5+